I bring you a meme via the Seacoast:
1) Ten years ago I was:
Spending all my money on women and booze, spending all my time going to concerts and getting high.
2) Five things on tomorrow's to-do list:
1. price moving companies
2. revise my CV
3. enjoy my new haricut
4. go to the dentist
5. kiss Jeannine
3) Things I'd do if I were a billionaire:
I echo Emily: pay off debt, buy a house with room for a garden, donate tons to hungry people and liberals
and also: start a print journal, buy Jeannine stuff to make movies
4) Three bad habits:
1. biting my nails
2. procrastinating
3. writing in progressive tense
5) Five places I've lived:
1. Northampton, MA
2. Aurora, IL
3. Des Moines IA
4. Amherst, MA
5. North Aurora, IL
6) Six jobs I've had:
1. English Instructor
2. Writer for the Beacon News
3. Placement Exam Reader
4. Pizza Maker
5. Music Store Manager
6. Distribution Editor for a small press
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