Sunday, January 24, 2010

A "Birthday" Present:

I wish you satisfaction, but cannot
find a box big enough so it lays
all over my floor and sighs.
I wish you joy and
that's what this flapping
noise is about. Hundreds of
wings stir the air and will not
be gift-wrapped. I got you
poetry so sloppy and wet
so nubile it needs a nursemaid
and shackles.
I wish you wishes of all sizes--
pick them up while they are hot
and you are young
enough to waste them.
I wish you peace but don't know
how to leave you alone, tell me
how does a sailor leave the sea?
She doesn't: the depths so-far un-
touched but loved, its swells the biography
of her life, its whimseys keeps her afloat.


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