Monday, April 6, 2009

I have been neglectful!

I have been away.
I have been changing, settling down into this new place and skin, really.

Here are some poems, part of something I am calling, for now, The Janus Project:

Reverse Dog

Our love is pocked with
the deep rivets of unanswered silences.
You lean down into one of them.
The holes allow us to breathe.

Reverse Tide

Give me the keys.
I will color our exaustion.
I will release plumed ideas
into the world.

I'll be back. With more or less substance, more or less meaning. In the meantime, fill in the blank(s):

If the answer is ________
If the question is ________
If the fable is ________
If the corollary is ________
If the hand writing is _________
If the predator is ________
If the spot light is ________
If the certainty is ________
If the planet is ________
If the antidote is ________
If the circle is ________
If the excuse is ________
If the ritual is ________
If the crying is ________